In Real Life
"In Real Life" Book Review
"In Real Life" by Joey Graceffa is one of the most life experiencing books i've ever read. The way his life has it's ups and downs is very relatable to almost every reader. With him going through with all of the issues he has with his family and with getting bullied at school because of the way he is and acts. But little Joseph never let that stop him from trying his best at beng normal. Him getting put down about being gay, led me to beleive that he made a bug difference in society today. All of his fans love him and he made them see the LGBT community differently. I know I have. Learning to go against all of the hate the homophobics bring to the LGBT community is something we really need to stop all of the fighting. No one can help whoever they feel attracted to. Joey Graceffa is a great role model for closeted boys/girls. With very little friends, he found out that it's okay to be alone. That it's better to have no company at all than to have bad company. Nothing better than chasing your dreams to the fullest. Even if it means doing it on your own with no one to be there for you, to see how far you've come.
Parent problems are also shown. These things let the readers know that not everyone has a great childhood. But it's okay to have problems in your personal life. Joey learned to accept his alcoholic mom knowing it was what it was. To know that someone wo could have so easily given up. And today he is a famous YouTube celebrity.